
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Day

It has been a rainy day here in Korea, but it was fun to dive into the culture and business of this country. We went on a visit to KOSBI Korean Small Business Institute, where they research and help small business in Korea. The lecture was very interesting. It was cool to see the views of a Korean on issues such as big business, globalization, market capitalism, and the increasing global effect of China on business. We then broke for lunch. I went with some faculty and students to a Korean place. I tried "kemchi" i know Im not spelling it right, but it is a Korean staple. It was the most spicy thing I have ever tasted in my life. It felt like my teeth were sweating! I thought I was going to die. I still have a headache hours later. The dumplings were very good, but it is hard to get used to metal chopsticks! Who would have thought! We visited the US embassy but was bummed because we couldnt actually go inside. We met with the public affairs office outside the embassy. There was another group from the US too. They talked a little about N. Korean and US relations with S. Korea. I hope the weather clears so I can take some photos tomorrow. I dont know if I can post any, but if not, I will post them when I get back in July. Remember how lucky we are to live where we do.


Dave said...


Wow. That sounds so amazing. I loved the teeth sweating comment. Couldn't stop laughing.

I am so jealous that you are experiencing all of this. Tom Friedman's book will make even more sense after this amazing adventure.

Can't wait to see the pictures. Be prepared for some globalization conversations when you get home. Can't wait to pick your brain.
